Get Involved

Here are four key ways for you to be involved in this exciting event!


Please pray for effective ministry, fruitfulness, logistics and provision!


We are looking for people who are able to give our international guests a comfortable stay in your home.


Join in at the various events and be equipped! And, sign up to serve and make the outreach events a success.


Donations will make this week possible, and impactful. Bank details available here.

Get Involved

Here are four key ways for you to be involved in this exciting event!


Please pray for effective ministry, fruitfulness, logistics and provision!


We are looking for people who are able to give our international guests a comfortable stay in your home.


Join in at the various events and be equipped! And, sign up to serve and make the outreach events a success.


Donations will make this week possible, and impactful. Bank details available here.

What can I expect?

Click each event below for more information on each exciting component of the week:

Alive Weekend for the youth (Grade 7-12) will happen at VantagePoint Church, Rustenburg. Click here for registration information.

We are very glad to have our friends Jan Nel and Jeff Gage speaking in our Sunday Services at NorthPoint! Jan previosuly served on our eldership team at NPCC and is now based in Houston, TX in the United States. Jeff is the Africa regional director of Word Partners, who have provided amazing free resources to equip pastors and believers to rightly understand and preach the Word of God from the Bible – the same resources we will make use of in our workshop on 2 Timothy later in this week.

  1. We will kick off this event at NorthPoint with a Meet & Greet with our international guests at 16h30 and their hosts.  
  2. Supper will then be provided from 17h30 – all are welcome to attend this session! There is no charge for supper, we only ask that you make use of the registration form so we can cater for you. Then at 18h30 we will start a session of worship and prayer for all to attend.

We are so glad to share the outstanding Word Partners materials for the book of 2 Timothy. These materials outline a high-level yet accessible means of studying God’s word in order to find the author-intended meaning and purpose of the text. Highly recommended! Sign up using the registration form.

All men are invited to a time of fellowship with our international friends at NorthPoint, as well as worship and delving into God’s word.

Come and be equipped along with ministry leaders, with insightful guest speakers and voices into topics including: Discipleship, Church Planting, Pastoral Ministry,  Mercy Ministry, The Gospel and Work. This also will take place at NorthPoint and is open to all.

All ladies are invited to a time of fellowship at NorthPoint with our international friends, as well as worship and delving into God’s word, with Daphne Nel from Houston, USA.

A wonderful opportunity to minister to the sick and needy in our city, or alternatively, to minster to disadvantaged youth! Teams will be going to Helen Joseph hospital, and the informal settlement of Zandspruit to minister to local soccer teams. Everyone not going to these events is invited to help with packing and preparation at Northpoint for the Sports Tournament the following day.

A flagship event for Northpoint’s outreach NPO, Impophomo! We need soccer and netball referees, ministers and mentors for the teams on the day, and people to help with setup and logistics.

Need to Know:

The Gospel Partnership is a group of churches that have partnered on the fundamentals of the Gospel. The conference is the gathering of these churches, to equip, encourage and mobilise one another. The conference will run from the 14  to 23 June 2024 in Johannesburg and Rustenburg, South Africa. 

Everyone is welcome to attend the conference sessions. 

195 Bellairs Drive, North Riding, Randburg. We are inside Banbury Estate residential complex. Click here for Google Maps.

The Youth event will take place at Vantage Point Church, 25°43’38, 27°15, 41 1 2nd Avenue, Rustenburg, 2999. Click here for Google Maps.

Please contact us if you need any assistance with travel or accommodation on any of the days. We have asked for church members to host as well as created a list of suitable B&B’s for consideration.


Gospel Partnerships hats and tees available!

We love to bless our international visitors with something special. Last year when we gave them T-shirts, our own folk started to say, "How can I get a shirt?" So this year we decided to open it up to anyone who wants to order!

Order a t-shirt hat on the website and collect it from NPCC when you come along to the Gospel Partnership events!

Impophomo Ministry Sponsorship

Get your corporates involved in sponsorship for the various outreach programmes we have on the weekend. There is opportunities for Hospital Ministry, GBV Ministry and Sports Tournament sponsorship. Click the button for the sponsorship letter and banking details or go to the Impophomo website for more information.


Here are some questions and answers you may have.
If you need to know anything, please feel free to contact us and ask.

How do I register?

Please register via the Google form (click here).

Do I need to register if I’m only attending one session?

Yes, registration is necessary for everyone regardless of which session/s they are attending.

Is there any childcare available, and for what ages?

Yes, there is childcare available for children aged of 3 – 13 as well as mothers’ rooms available for parents with toddlers and babies in arms. Be sure to sign up using the registration form at the link above.

Will the sessions be online as well?

Sunday mornings will be live-streamed as normal. Thursday’s a.m. sessions will be recorded and uploaded at a later date. The rest of the sessions will be in-person only.

Is there a registration cost?

No, this is a free conference. However, donations are welcome for the expenses and overheads related to running the varous events and welcoming our international guests.


Meals will be provided for at the following sessions:

  • Supper at the Worship Event, Monday the 17th
  • Lunch at the Word Partners events, Tues 18th and Wed 19th

There will be no charge for these meals, but registration is essential. Click here to register.

How can I serve?

There are many areas in which you can serve. You can host our guests from out of Johannesburg. You can get involved in the serving and setup for sessions and assist the children’s ministry leaders. Many hands will be needed for the Sports Tournament on Saturday. Please make use of the registration form above.

What does hosting entail?

We are asking for people to open their homes for our guests to stay. We ask you to be hospitable and have meals prepared for the guests. If you are working, you can drop them off at the church in the morning and fetch them in the evening. For further info on hosting please go to the Gospel Partnerships desk in our services or contact the office.

How can I give towards this?

You can make your contributions to the Apostolic Account (click here for the details) and reference: Gospel Partnership.

How can I give towards the impophomo sports tournament?

If you are a corporate or individual that would like to get involved in our sports tournament, please contact the Impophomo team for more information:

Can anyone attend, or is it just for the associated churches?

All are invited to attend the various sessions. All we ask is for everyone attending any session please to make use of the registration form at the link above..

Who can assist me with further questions?

Please contact Debbie at for any further questions you may have.