DEEPER is Northpoint’s theological training which we run twice a year in the first and third term on Wednesday evenings. We offer multiple teaching series, aimed at instructing our people in Biblical study and practical equipping for life as followers of Christ.

Sign up now using the link below:

Watch our previous DEEPER sessions which are available on our YouTube channel:

Deeper - Term 3 2024

Deeper will begin on Wednesday the 14th of February from 18h30 – 20h00 at NPCC, and will run until 20th of March.

The Purple Book

An introductory course to the doctrines and beliefs laid out for us in the Bible. We recommend that all our people go through this vital course! It will run in two parts of six weeks each. New people can jump in on Purple Book Part 1.

Leadership Training

This will be aimed at deacons, Life Group leaders and potential pastors, but it will be helpful for anyone interested in a leadership position in church, be it a small group or any position of servant-hearted leadership. We will cover what it means to be a deacon, and how to serve and lead groups in the church effectively.